Big Brother is watching you!
Dus pas op want...
So be careful because...
Design and photos on this site
© Judith Lissenberg/Walter Stehmann
unless stated otherwise

Please note!
I have tried to give credit to all owners of copyright of items on this website. However, if you don't agree that your item is on my site, please let me know so it can be removed.

...don't forget to check out these sites:
Dog graphics van Astrila's Animaties
Dog graphics van
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Overname is niet toegestaan.

© The information on this site is protected by copyright.
Reproduction is not allowed.
Dog graphics van
Dog graphics van Dogs n' Paws Graphics Index
Dog graphics van Millanimations
Dog grapics van DaniWeb Dot Com
Dog graphics & Aussie graphics van Fuzzy Faces
Aussie graphics van de Milwin Kennel
Dog graphics van K-9's Rule
Dog graphics van Dog-Gone
Dog graphics from
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